Questions Over How Much Lungu ACTUALLY Spent In New York Continue


Following reports published by Diggers News showing excessive unnecessary spending by the President whilst in New York attending the UN, Amos Chanda has lashed out claiming the documents are in forged. 

Mr. Chanda explains that the publication obtained the false information from a bank statement which was illegally obtained and doctored on the alleged extravagant expenditure during the trip.

He clarified that the Head of State never undertook any boat cruises and did not have a dinner dance among other activities.

However these rumours are not new, and Diggers News are not the only ones who have published evidence to counter Amos Chanda's statement, photos surfaced nearer the time showing a number of Africa delegations including members of the Zambian delegation on shopping trips and parked outside notorious Saks Fifth Avenue - a luxurious shopping mall. 

Perhaps though the most concerning element of this story is no one knows what's real and what isn't anymore, and trust is dwindling in the government's integrity day by day. 

Open Zambia