Amos Chanda Lashes Out At Media


President Lungu’s special assistant for Press and Public relations and attack dog Amos Chanda has said that he is currently ashamed to be associated with a profession that can tell blatant lies for the express purpose of damaging the country’s reputation.

Speaking when he featured on ZNBC’s Sunday Interview with Grevazio Zulu, Mr Chanda expressed utter dismay and sadness that some publications such as New Vision, and News Diggers, for have failing to uphold one of the strongest beliefs and ethics of journalism...truth.

Mr Chanda noted that a politically motivated hatred and envy of President Edgar Lungu and his government was the baseline of the publications and hence their continuous resolve to push malicious falsehoods.

“A newspaper driven by political motives, gets a document planted on it because of their collective hatred, envy, they are disgusted that this political party is in power they drive an agenda as dirty as that,” Chanda said. Mr Chanda went on to wonder how individuals from the said publications sleep at night after peddling lies.

However Mr Chanda seems to be branding anything remotely critical of the PF as lies presently, thus reducing the integrity of these accusations. Indeed media houses can get things wrong and facts are misconstrued, but Mr Chanda seems to be branding all material that isn't overtly Pro-PF as false, a worrying trend that does not to quell accusations of stifling media and freedom of speech within Zambia. 

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