PF Dissolves Lusaka Province Executive Committee
The PF has dissolved the Lusaka Province Executive Committee with immediate effect, according to PF Secretary General Davies Mwila. A new Committee is scheduled to be elected on 30 June 2018.
Officials in the district have previously been reported as being disgruntled as a result of the lack of administration jobs for the province. Meeting in December last year officials from eight districts prepare a petition on the matter. At the time the Mast quoted an anonymous official as stating the following: “We are very disappointed with the government, it has sidelined party officials, especially in Lusaka Province, where none of us has been given any government job from the time President [Edgar] Lungu was elected as Head of State. There were vacancies in seven districts in Lusaka Province for the positions of district commissioners and we submitted names of party officials to be considered but none of them was considered.”