Miles Sampa Heading For Divorce


The wife of former Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa has asked the Lusaka High Court to dissolve her 11-year marriage because it has bro-ken down irretrievably.

In her petition for dissolution of marriage filed in the Lusaka High Court registry, Mwika Mwenechanya Sampa, an economist, said the marriage has broken down as they have lived apart for a continuous period of two years - undoubtedly due to his ambitious political career which saw him launch his own party in 2016 and enter into a coalition with the UPND.

She said in November 2015, the couple mutually agreed that Mr Sampa, who is former Deputy Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, moves out of the matrimonial home and have since lived apart.

Mwika asked the court to grant her sole custody of the child of the family with Sampa to be allowed reasonable access. She also asked the court to order that she continues residing in the matrimonial house and a further order for property settlement.

Mwika proposed that each party bears their own legal costs for the proceedings and prayed that the marriage be dissolved as her husband had consented that a decree nisi be granted.

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