EU signs 20 million Euros agreement to improve public financial management in Zambia

The European Union and the German Technical Cooperation -GIZ- have signed 20 million Euros agreement to improve public financial management in Zambia and to establish irrigation systems for smallholder farmers in lower Kafue area.

European Union Ambassador to Zambia and COMESA Alessandro Mariani says Zambia has made tremendous progress in the promotion of irrigation farming, hence the need for stakeholders corroboration to grow the sector.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Mr. Mariani said the program on effectiveness and transparency in the management of public resources will contribute to the improvement of the planning, budgeting and budget implementation processes.

And German Ambassador to Zambia Achim Burkart said accountability and transparency in public financial management as well as prudent natural resource management are essential in delivering social services for all Zambians.

Source: Lusaka Times

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