UK Government Wants Better Trade Links with Zambia

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The United Kingdom’s Trade Envoy to the Zambia has made it clear that the UK government are very interested in increasing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

Baroness Lindsay Northover has stated that the UK government recognises a wealth of trade and investment opportunities available in Zambia and across the African continent.

Echoing her sentiments, Zambia’s Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Richard Musukwa stated that Zambia strives to be an attractive trade partner through ensuring that all mining operations both small and large scale operations are anchored on the world best practices exploited in a sustainable manners with a significant contribution to host communities and beyond.

During her opening remarks at the Zambia Mining Investment Conference 2018 held in London on Tuesday, Baroness Northover said the British Government is aware how important it is for Zambia and other African countries to maximise their true potential.

“We want British businesses to make the most of the trade and investment opportunities on offer. It is in all our interests to turn these opportunities into sustained growth. Mining is crucial to the Zambian economy and it can and should make a key contribution to a nation’s economic and social development. Mining-product revenue contributes an estimated 11.5 percent to global GDP. We all recognise its significance,” she said.

She said the UK and Zambia have strong historical ties and the UK Government is keen to encourage trade links with Zambia.

The Trade Envoy also said she will be visiting Zambia in September and she will visit the mining area.

“In my role as Trade Envoy I meet companies in the UK who are trading in Zambia or looking to do so. The UK’s engagement can already be seen through regular mining missions organised by the Department for International Trade such as that in June 2017 and also the Zambian Copperbelt Conference. This will be further reinforced through the forthcoming Impact Capital Conference taking place in Lusaka on 2nd and 3rd October 2018,” she said.

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