Zambia to host India-Southern Africa summit

Zambia is set to host the India-Southern Africa Regional Conclave summit next week.

Minister of Commence Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma announced at a media briefing this morning that the summit set for October 14 to 15th, 2019, has attracted 221 companies, who have already confirmed participation.

Mr Yaluma has also explained that the economic deliberations will help Zambia acquire knowledge on how big economies like India are managing to flourish. He underscored that India held similar meetings in Kampala, Uganda in 2017, with Nigeria having done the same in 2018 and Mr Yaluma disclosed that President Edgar Lungu will officially open the summit, where Zambia will play as host country on behalf of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Countries.

“This is our opportunity in 2019 to host this renowned regional summit. In 2017 it was held in Kampala, 2018 it was in Lagos and in 2019 the lucky has come to Zambia, let us all embrace this opportunity and we will learn from stronger economies the current business trends that we all ought participate fully. President Edgar Lungu will officially open this assembly and at least 221 companies and individuals have confirmed participation,” he said.

The Minister emphasized that India is an economically strong country, which will see Zambia becoming an economic giant after the conclave.

Mr Yaluma further urged both the private and public sectors to participate in this investment platform, which has potential to sharpen the country’s economic trajectory.

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