Climate change impact to cost Zambia’s economic growth

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Country Representative George Okech has stated that the impact of climate change on Zambia’s farming will cost the country around 0.4% of it’s annual economic growth. Dr Okech explained that without action, rainfall variability could lead to loss of 0.9% of GDP over the next 10 years.

The ZANIS reports argue that responding to climate change impact on livelihoods and food security, most developing countries like Zambia have made progress by developing National Adaptation Programmes of Action ( NAP).

The FAO Country Representative added that the agriculture and food systems are partly responsible for increased temperatures and also fundamental part of the solutions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The Ministry of Agriculture Permanent Secretary Songowayo Zyambo said government remains committed in ensuring climate smart policies.

Mr Zyambo pointed out that government is doing this through the promotion and implementation of climate smart agricultural practices amongst the farmers. He said this in a speech read for him by Ministry of Agriculture – Director of Agriculture, Peter Lungu.

Mr Zyambo said government is encouraging multi sectoral approach under the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP). He has since implored key stakeholders to take advantage of the mechanisms to consolidate and synergise approaches in fighting climate change. Mr Zyambo encouraged participants to share lessons and experiences by mainstreaming them in their daily roles and responsibilities.

Throughout the 2018-2019 agricultural season, parts of Southern, Central and Western Provinces experienced reduced rainfall which resulted in decreased crop production.

The workshops drew participants from agricultural experts, academia and officials from government line ministries

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