Farming Input Transporters Strike Over Lack Of Payment

Transporters in Chipangali District, Eastern Province, are refusing to distribute farming supplies under the Farmer Input Support Program (FISP) because the government still owes them money from the last agricultural season.

The government regularly contracts local transporters to haul seed and fertilizer from central sheds to cooperative centres, however transporters operating out of the Mugubudu sheds say they are boycotting this year’s exercise over lack of payment from the 2019/2020 farming season.

One local farmer, James Nkhoma from Chanje East agricultural block, says cooperative society leaders are now asking their members to pay for the transportation of supplies themselves.

“We have no option  but to ask our members to contribute money so that we are able to deliver inputs closer to them,” he said.

Transporters complained to government early this year about a lack of payment for the 2019/2020 season but the government did little about it. Many had been forced to sell some of their assets to buy fuel and remain in business.

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