Supreme Court Orders Mopani Mines To Pay Over K240 Million in Taxes
The Supreme Court has ordered Mopani Copper Mines to pay over K240 million in missed taxes to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) for the years 2006 to 2010.
Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima and Judges Mumba Malila and Nigel Mutuna handed down the judgement in a 63-page document. It puts to rest an appeal filed by Mopani to the Supreme Court after the Tax Tribunal ruling of 2010.
The initial 2010 ruling was passed in favour of ZRA after the authority complained that Mopani had failed to pay all the taxes which it owed.
In other news, the government has recently proposed measures aimed at keeping Mopani Mines in operation, after the company threatened to place its facilities under ‘care and maintenance’ in approximately 90 days.
Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu sat down in a closed-doors meeting with officials from Mopani’s parent group, Glencore, and other government ministers including Mines Minister Richard Musukwa and Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe.
Dr Ng’andu said the government hopes the issue will be put to rest in the next few weeks.
Similarly, Mopani Mines Chair Moses Chilangwa issued a statement saying that the firm is ready to listen to the government and work towards a solution.