World Bank Funding Secured

The government has secured funding from the World Bank to help improve the quality of roads within North-Western Province.

The news was confirmed by North-Western Province Minister Robert Lihefu who said that the funds were secured to specifically work on all feeder roads within the province.

“We know how bad the feeder roads are in the chiefdoms in the province, so government has already soured some funds through its partners to work on our feeder roads,” he said.

Work will either start on the Kasempa - Mumbwa road or the feeder roads.

He added that the governemnt remains committed to its development promises, with the contents of the national budget to reveal the governments intentions.

“Our national development is ready and will soon be presented, you will know from what is contained that the new dawn government means well for people of Zambia, so let people not politic with development,” Lihefu said.

It is hoped that the development will facilitate ease of moving around the region, as currently transport remains a major challenge in the area.

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