PF Need To Review Trade Laws – ZACCI

Researcher Kampamba Shula of the Zamba Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) has said that the government need to review existing trade laws which have the potential to impede trade.

The government currently have over 80 pieces of legislation in place which regulate imports and exports in and out of the country.

Out of these pieces of legislation, Shula believed that several of them impede the country’s potential for trade, including the Border Management Trade Facilitation Act and the Controls Goods Act.

The roles of these Acts are to control the movement of goods as well as regulating the distribution, disposal, purchase and sale as well as the wholesale price of these goods.

Shula’s comments were made during a presentation on non-tariff barriers at a Southern African Development Community (SADC) sensitisation workshop last Monday.

This comes as a result of Zambian exports seeing a general decrease over the last 10 years, with imports following a similar trend.

Photo: Zambia Daily Mail

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