Poverty Is Down To A Failed Economy – M’membe

Socialist Party President Fred M’membe has stated that he believes high poverty rates within the country are a result of the current failed economic situation which the PF government have driven the country into.

In a statement to the media, Dr M’embe said that jobs are required to resolve the situation.

“We must not tire of talking about jobs, jobs, jobs until the solution is found. How can our people survive without jobs?” he stated.

Although creating jobs was a supposed focus of President Lungu’s, during his time in power, unemployment has increased by over 1% over the past 5 years. Subsequently, during his time in power, President Lungu has seen close to 200,000 additional individuals face joblessness.

In a bid to resolve this issue, the Socialist Party have promised to prioritise job creation with a macro-economic approach. The UPND have a similar approach, also prioritising to create jobs if elected into presidency after the August 12th elections.

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