High Cost Of Living Beyond Reach Of Many Zambians – JCTR

Following the release of the Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB) on July 14th, The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) have stated that it is concerned at the high cost of living for basic essentials within the country.

The BNNB for June was reported to cost K8,489.48 in Lusaka. In January the same basket of food cost K8,394.01, demonstrating a rise of K95.47 in just 6 months.

Not only has the cost of the BNNB increased over the year, underlying social-economic factors within the country, such as high unemployment and low income levels, are also worrying the JCTR.

In a bid to try and resolve high cost of living within the country, the JCTR have advised voters to look closely at the party manifestos to ensure that their chosen electoral candidate will ensure to fix the economy.

“The JCTR therefore continue to emphasise that it is pertinent for all voters to scrutinise the messages that different political leaders are advancing…to see if they are addressing the economic challenges. Sustainable and workable solutions to the nation should be core to various campaign themes,” they said.

Rising prices within the country are a result of the poor performance of exports like copper, despite an increased price in the commodity. Combined with lack of jobs within the country as a result of unkept promises by the Patriotic Front, the country now faces severe economic issues and poverty.

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