More PF Corruption Revealed

More corruption within the Patriotic Front (PF) has been exposed as the party sheepishly disowned a number of fuel tankers which were purchased under the PF’s name.

Over 30 fuel tankers were found at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola which were purchased by the PF as part of a supposed ‘youth empowerment scheme’.

However, PF leaders have refused to explain why so many trucks were needed as part of the scheme, with no training plan provided to train up the youths to utilise the trucks efficiently.  The PF also added that they did not want to be quoted in relation to the purchase of the trucks.

Sources reported that the PF had purchased the trucks to monopolise the fuel sector if they won the 2021 general elections.

“They wanted to start supplying oil under the guise of youth empowerment. Had they won, that’s what was going to happen but now there’s a change of government, everyone is scampering and no one wants to claim ownership of those trucks so we just have to wait and see what happens,” the source revealed.

Individuals who work at the stadium have stated that the trucks were not intended for any part of an empowerment programme at the site.  

“What I know is that these tanker trucks are not part of the Empowerment programmes. So in our records, we don’t have such tanker trucks as part of Empowerment. So for that, I can’t speak, we are also just watching these tanker trucks and we don’t know where they belong or whether they are for who,” said the workers.

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