Further PF Corruption Exposed

Additional corruption by the Patriotic Front (PF) government has been exposed following an investigation into the Industrial Development Commission (IDC) and Marcopolo Tiles Limited.

The IDC, which is wholly owned by the government through the Ministry of Finance, received excess funds as kickbacks from Chinese nationals during a share purchase transaction in which Marcopolo Tiles Limited sold a minority stake for $44.8 million.

An excess of $500,000 was received by top IDC officials who had personal interests in the share purchase transaction, with the money being sent straight into their personal accounts, a News Diggers investigation revealed.

To add, PF surrogates have also received large unexplained amounts of money from two Chinese owners of the tile firm on several occasions.

The shocking findings follow an interview with the Marcopolo Chief Executive who said that “Zambians are content with little things, they are not ambitious like us.”

The findings add to a long list of corruption tactics which the PF have participated in during their time in power. Tactics have included government embezzlement of aid in 2018, illegal trading of mukula wood as well as healthcare corruption with the HoneyBee Pharmacy scandal.

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