Agriculture Information Key To Women Succeeding In Business – NGO

The She Entrepreneur, a non-governmental organisation that provides leadership training for women in the Middle East and North Africa, has urged women in agri-business to expand their understanding and practical knowledge of the sector to help boost their efficiency and yields. 

The NGO’s co-founder, Precious Nkanduluba in a seminar hosted by the organisation at Asmara’s Hotel late last week, explained that it is important for women in agriculture to learn more about the industry to allow them to operate in the competitive environment. Over 30 female small scale farmers attended the event amongst others in the agri-business sector. 

Ms Nkanduluba explained that it is vital for women who are involved in agriculture to be able to access information such as how to increase value addition for their produce and create a market for their products, which will help to increase their profits, ultimately leading to the increase of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

“We are here to help the women who are in agribusiness realize their potential and expand their knowledge on how best they can plan and strategy to increase their value addition to their farm produce,” she stated during the seminar. 

Another of the speakers, Market Connect’s CEO Duniya Mupeso, encouraged women to seek assistance from her organisation on how best to market their products. She explained that women in farming need to become more strategic when it comes to planting and processing their products which will help their business to become viable on a commercial level.

Ms Mupeso further advised women to engage with various stakeholders who will educate them on farming, accountability and management of their farms and products. “As Market Connect we will work with you to grow your business and find the right market for your products through sharing knowledge on planning and setting goals in your agri-businesses,’’ she said.

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