IMF To Visit Treasury This Week

The Treasury have issued a statement announcing that they will host a technical staff visit from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this week.

In a statement issued by the treasury, it was announced that the visit would occur from 27th September until October 1st.

“The IMF staff will work with the ministry to understand the key policies and specific reform measures prioritised by the new dawn Administration,” the statement read.

The statement also outlined that the trip would be utilised to allow the government to provide the IMF with an update on recent economic developments within the country as well as the proposed outlook for the remainder of the year.

It is hoped that the trip will help lead to the approval of a bailout package for Zambia after the previous Patriotic Front government built up debts worth over 100% of the country’s total GDP. The previous governemnt were unable to obtain approval of a bailout package from the IMF due to lack of economic progress.

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