Non-Traditional Exports Increase by 3 Billion Kwacha

Zambia’s non-traditional exports, which include products like tobacco and cane sugar, have increased to 11 billion Kwacha in November 2024, up from 8.3 billion Kwacha in October 2024.

The uptick in NTEs, particularly those in the agriculture sector, which increased to 8.5 billion Kwacha in November 2024 from 5.4 billion Kwacha in October 2024, shows that despite a difficult 2023/2024 farming season, farming still shows growth.

The positive new figures were shared in the year-end monthly bulletin by ZAMSTATS, the Zambian Statistics Agency. 

Acting Statistician General Sheila Mudenda welcomed the new data when she spoke during a media briefing in Lusaka on Thursday, 26th of December.

“Zambia also recorded a trade surplus of 1.1 billion Kwacha in November 2024; exports increased by 23.2 % while imports grew by 6%,” added the Acting Statistician General. 

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