Director Of National Parks Denies Rhinos Are Being Airlifted Out By Syndicates


Last week the Zambia Daily Mail reported that some poaching syndicates were using helicopters to poach rhinos from the air.


The article indicated that illegal activities in protected areas had become increasingly sophisticated, transnational and that high-tech equipment was now being used to track and kill the animals.


The author suggested that there was evidence to suggest international cartels were now shooting endangered Rhinos from the air, landing and then airlifting the bodies across the border to de-horn and sell on.


The government, keen to protect its reputation, has staunchly denied these accusations through the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, Paul Zyambo.  


However there have been concerns for some time that the Zambian Wildlife Authority and the National Parks and Wildlife Department are not doing enough to prevent illegal wildlife trade in Zambia, especially in its border parks.


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