Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods

Government officials in Monze District have confirmed that the bridge at Makoye which connects Chikuni Mission and its surrounding villages to Chisekese has washed away as a result of a flash flood that hit some parts of the district. The Monze Town Council Secretary Beson Bweenje and District Commission Cyrian Hamayanga visited the site on Thursday to check the extent of the damage which had been caused.

MTC Secretary Benson Bweenje spoke at the site and said his office was informed of the unfortunate development on Thursday morning and that he sent the director of works to do on the spot investigations before he visited the site together with the District Commissioner and some officers.

He stated that preliminary investigations have indicated that the damage was caused by a combination of factors which included Soil erosion and the blockages to the culvertes by silts and logs forcing the water away from the stream among other things.

“It’s true the bridge has been washed out and we attribute the washing away to the higher volumes of water and also the erosion which has taken place. The director of works came in the morning and according to the statement he can not do a conclusive report because the damage is still accumulating. As you can see even where we are standing it shows that the damage is still accumulating. The tree near by is almost falling so by tomorrow we expect some different levels of damages,” he said.

Meanwhile District Commission Cyprian Hamayanga advised residents of Chikuni and surrounding areas to use the Gwembe road which is the alternative route taking them to their destination in Chikuni.

“I can only advice our people in this area to use the alternative route which is the Gwembe road then branch off at Chisuwo school. This is a short cut but for now it is not to be used. I will inform the relevant ministries to expedite the process of ensuring that the bridge is repaired in no time,” he said.

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