Heavy Rains Leave Trail Of Destruction In Intezhi-Tezhi

Strong winds and heavy rains have left a trail of devastation in the Itezhis Tehi district of Central Province, destroying thousands of Kwacha worth of property.

The storm blew the roof off the Itezhi Tezhi Primary School in Masemu ward and left thousands of local residents without power from 1am. 

β€œIt is a sad development and we will need assistance from Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit( DMMU) urgently,” said district commissioner Isaac Nabuzoka. 

Mr Nabuzoka added that the DMMU has yet to make an assessment of the full extent of the damage caused. However, the rains have reportedly damaged several shops and left a number of families homeless. 

Mr Robinson Mingochi, the headteacher of Itezhi Tezhi Primary, has said that learning will have to be suspended - a particularly harmful development with exams due to start next week. 

The school has about 1,590 pupils, mostly from Maseum, Chibolya, Lilanda and the surrounding areas. 

Heavy rains have left thousands of residents without power and several families have been made homeless

Heavy rains have left thousands of residents without power and several families have been made homeless

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