Low Turnout For COVID-19 Vaccinations In Mambwe

Mambwe District Health Office has communicated its sadness over the low turnout for individuals to come forward and obtain their COVID-19 vaccine, in spite of the drugs’ availability to the population.

Mambwe district Health Director George Mshanga expressed his disappointment at the population’s reluctance to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“As District Health Office, we have tried our level best to convince people to get vaccinated as it is for their own benefit,” Mshanga said.

He added that it was a result of false information that individuals were likely not taking the opportunity to get vaccinated.

“Unfortunately, due to the many myths going round, many people are shunning away,” he added.

Poor vaccine uptake follows on from the government’s slow response to obtaining vaccines initially, being one of the last African countries to start their vaccination programme rollout.

Photo: Anadolu Agency

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