Zambia Women Writers Association Bemoans Poor Culture Of Reading

Zambia Women Writers Association (ZWWA) have called for the restocking of public libraries with the latest books to rekindle the dwindling culture of reading among the children.

Association National Treasure Lucille Mudenda called for investment in the restocking of libraries with the latest books as most books are outdated and irrelevant to the current situation.

Ms Mudenda was speaking when she handed over books to the Lusaka City Council Chilenje library by United Africa Bank (UBA) working together with the vulnerable Children Advocacy Project (VAP).

She said council libraries are an important asset in academics but have been neglected.

“We have to move with time and we need online libraries to compete with countries which are already using such facilities,” Ms Mudenda said.

She said it is unacceptable for Chilenge library which was officially opened 46 years ago to continue having the same books which were placed in the library in 1975 including furniture.

Ms Mudenda observed that the culture of reading has gone down because parents don’t read and children imitate what they do.

“Libraries have been neglected for a long time yet they are important in people’s education life,” he said

And Ministry of General Education Assistant Director Robinson Bwato noted that if there is nothing interesting to read in the library people cannot read.

Mr Bwato said the ministry is overwhelmed with people who have interest to read but there are no reading materials in public libraries.

“We are a talking culture rather than reading, and reading is alien to Africa but we must have proper books to rekindle it,” he said.

Meanwhile, United Bank of Africa (UBA) Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager, Wezi Njovu said the organization was delighted to assist in restocking Chilenje Library with African Literature books that will benefit school children.

“Our children no longer read, their passion for reading informative and educative books is fast eroding, they are distracted by the presence of electronic social media such as Facebook, Instagram and others,” she said.

And Lusaka Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Pascalina Musokotwane thanked the United Bank of Africa for initiating the programme of restocking the Council libraries with books in Chilenje, Ndola and Kitwe.

Ms Musokotwane appealed to other business houses to emulate the UBA bank and assist public libraries.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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