Dr Sampa Seeks Audience With President Lungu

Dr Brian Sampa, previous Resident Doctors Association of Zambia (RDAZ) President, has written an open letter to President Edgar Lungu, requesting a meeting with him.

The letter, dated June 11 2021, aims to bring together President Lungu with the Association’s national executive committee to discuss the challenges which resident doctors are currently facing as a result of government shortfalls.

Dr Sampa starts by addressing the importance of a healthy nation in creating economic productivity and prosperity before addressing the issues at hand which are failing the health of the nation.

“These doctors have been owed salary arrears, gratuities, settling in allowances and other personal emoluments as far back as 2010. In addition, we have a shortage of doctors in Zambia evidenced by the doctor-patient ration of 1 to 12,000 against the WHO [World Health Organisation] recommended 1 to 1,000.”

It is likely that poor treatment of doctors within the country, alongside lack of paid jobs, has resulted in this lack of doctors which Dr Malama said has caused some doctors to work “more than 24 hours per day, leaving them physically tired, stressed and frustrated with others having the burnout syndrome leading to poor quality of work.”

In excess of 500 doctors are currently unemployed, in spite of the struggle which health facilities are facing as a result of an increase in the number of patients requiring assistance who have COVID-19 symptoms.

Dr Sampa addressed the lack of senior jobs for senior doctors before concluding his letter.

“That aside Sir, the doctors have been faced with shortages of positions. Unfortunately, many Senior Doctors have been working in those positions administratively while getting paid as Junior Resident Medical Officers, while others have died without ever being put on substantive positions,” he noted.

“It is at the backdrop of the above issues Sir, that we request a meeting within your busy schedule to discuss the way forward. This is after all the channels of communication have been exhausted and we have reached a deadlock. Your consideration in this regard will be highly appreciated.”

Dr Sampa was recently dismissed from his role by the government after taking part in a nationwide go-slow to ensure the government resolved the above-mentioned issues.

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