Two Young Doctors Working On The Frontlines Of The pandemic Die Within A Week

As Zambia experiences a surge of covid-19 cases, frontline health workers are literally risking their lives for their patients.
Doctors, nurses, and support staff have courageously taken on enormous risk during the pandemic.

Within a week 2 interns working at Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital have lost their lives. Dr.Edwin Mulwanda died on the 23rd June. He completed his Secondary education at Mpelembe Secondary School in 2011 and then graduated from the University of Zambia, School of Medicine in 2019 where he obtained his MBChB.Until his death, he was working as an intern at Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital.

Dr. Lexina Chilufya died this morning ,25th June 2021. She graduated from University of Zambia, School of Medicine in 2018 where she obtained her MBChB. Until her death, she was working as an intern at Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital.

According to the Ministry of health there were 3594 covid-19 confirmed cases yesterday with a test positivity rate of 28%. 1243 patients are currently hospitalised and 21 624 being managed in the community.

During these times it is important that everybody plays their part in preventing the spread of covid -19. Avoid gatherings, social distance ,wear masks -covering both the nose and mouth and wash hands. Not only would you be protecting yourself but protecting others and preventing the needless death of our health workers and vulnerable in the community.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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