Government Blackmails Doctors To End Go-Slow

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga, has warned resident doctors to end their current go-slow.

Mr Malupenga has said that if resident doctors do not comply with his requirements, the demands of doctors will not be met, including payment of salary arrears.

Speaking in an interview with HOT FM radio, Mr Malupenga stated that consequences would have to be faced if doctors did not carry out his request.

“They will face consequences if they continue to abrogate the rules of engagement. Putting government under duress is a wrong route and we will not give them any desired result,” he said.

In saying so, Mr Malupenga is blackmailing doctors to return to work, with no clear sight as to when, or if, salary arrears would be paid.

Mr Malupenga continued by commenting that over K800million was owed by the government to employees in unpaid wages, the reason why the go-slow initially started.

High levels of national debt, far larger than the country’s national GDP, are thought to be the reason behind lack of payment to doctors who are fighting the country’s COVID-19 crisis.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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