UPND Member Murdered By PF Cadres In Ndola

A member of the United Party for National Development has been murdered by known Patriotic Front cadres in Ndola District over the weekend, the opposition party has announced. 

According to the UPND, the member died after a fight broke out amongst a group of young men comprised of both PF and UPND supporters. The member, who has not been identified, attempted to break up the fight but was beaten up by supporters of the government. When he attempted to flee, he was stabbed in the neck with a knife. 

The UPND has described the incident as “very saddening” and has expressed disappointment  over false claims by the police and Patriotic Front that the young man was in fact a member of the PF. 

It comes after both the Copperbelt Police Commissioner Elias Chushi and PF Ndola District Chair Benjamin Chitondo accused members of the UPND of carrying out the attack. The UPND’s Ndola Chairperson, Joseph Phiri, has now challenged the PF to substantiate their claims with evidence. 

Mr Mwanza has further stated that a funeral for the fallen UPND comrade will be held on Wednesday and has invited the Commissioner Chushi to attend, “so that the record is set straight”. 

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