ZESCO Explains Current Power Outages In Lusaka, It’s Not Load Shedding

The Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) has revealed that works on the construction of sub-stations under the Lusaka Transmission Distribution Rehabilitation Project have reached 90 percent.

ZESCO Senior Manager Corporate Affairs Officer John Kunda disclosed that work on most of the substations are complete and that the Corporation has been re-aligning the lines to complete the works fully.

Dr Kunda stated that once the sub-stations are completed, citizens will have a consistent and stable supply of power.

Dr. Kunda was speaking on the Hot FM breakfast show where he stated that the project has been funded by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank at a cost of 246 million United States dollars.

Dr Kunda noted the current power outages the city has been experiencing are partly from the project underway as well as maintenance works being implemented.

He said the country is no longer experiencing load shedding as power generation is currently at full capacity.

“There is no longer load shedding in the country. What you see is power interruptions due to scheduled maintenance works. There are certain areas that have experienced consistent maintenance works such as Avondale, Chalala, Thorn Park, Ibex, First Street, and Roma among others because there are serious works,” he said.

He has however warned citizens to stop vandalizing power distribution line as that will disrupt power supply to the citizens

Dr Kunda further stated that President Edgar Lungu is today expected to commission the Kafue Lower Hydro power station which will increase power supply.

“We are very grateful that that President Edgar Lungu will fire the first 150 megawatts of power at the Kafue Gorge Lower hydro power station. This is a flagship project for ZESCO and we are very proud. It is a 2.3 billion with 2 measure components, 5 generating units each generating 150 watts and we are firing one,” he explained.

And President Lungu also revealed on his Facebook page that he is today set to commission the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Station.

The President wrote that the project cost 2.3 billion United States dollars and has employed 4,000 Zambians who have worked alongside 578 Chinese expatriates.

The Head of State said the high level of expertise exhibited at the project, has empowered the local workers with new technical skills.

President Lungu also added that among beneficiaries of the skills transfer during the project are students from the local institutions of higher learning.

President Lungu further said the cluster of human resource will benefit the nation in future projects.

“Another cluster of beneficiaries of the project are the local suppliers and contractors who were engaged to provide various materials and services. Among these were vendors around the project site and other daily essentials to the workers,” he wrote.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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