Zambia Ranks Poorly in Governance — Mo Ibrahim Index

It was announced in the latest Mo Ibrahim Index 2018 that Zambia has ranked 17 out of 54 countries in Africa on governance over the last 10 years. Scoring a 56.2 out of a possible 100 points, Zambia should be striving to reach the top ten.

Countries such as Seychelles, Namibia, Ghana, South Africa, Rwanda, Tunisia, Botswana, and Carpe Verde all were top scorers in the Index with Mauritius leading, earning at 79.5. Meanwhile Somalia scored the lowest, only able to muster a 13.6 points. 

The Sudanese born billionaire, Mo Ibrahim, who released the Index stated that, “Our continent is faced with unprecedented demographic growth. Key governance areas are not progressing fast enough to keep up with rising demands…” 

Ibrahim also stated that, “Education scores have fallen in half of the 54 African countries over the last five years. Progress in Participation & Human Rights is undermined by a closing of the civil and political space. While Africa’s combined GDP has increased by almost 40% over the last decade, average progress.”

With the recent upheaval in our education system and claims of corruption within the ruling government amongst violence in intra-party elections, it is unsurprising that Zambia is part of this lack of progress within Africa. It is clear that the PF have failed in their responsibility to advance our country politically, economically, and socially and have instead looked only to better themselves. 

It is evident that a change in government is needed to improve Zambia to allow it to become one of the leading countries in Africa over the coming years.   

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