Amos Chanda Tells Opposition To 'Get Over' Con Court Ruling


Presidential spokesperson Amos Chanda has advised the consortium of opposition political parties to come to terms with the Constitutional Court ruling that President Edgar Lungu is eligible to contest the 2021 elections.

Chanda said it was undemocratic for the consortium of opposition political parties to attempt to protest the decision of the Constitutional Court as it was final.

He advised them to not only accept decisions that were in their favour but also do the same for unfavourable decisions.

“…to attempt and disrupt this constitutional order is undemocratic which is what the President regrets in the actions of the opposition that when you go to court and a decision is dispensed you must move on go to the next election,” he said.

Chanda said the ruling by the Constitutional Court had breathed certainty into Zambia’s political life.

He said that it was now easy for investors to do business under calmer waters in the absence of political uncertainty.

“There has never been this certainty in the history of our country since 2001, that there is a guaranteed full term for the winners to govern,” he said.

“This is the only time when that situation has allowed, because there a President elected under the majoritarian system of 50% plus one threshold and there is also a running mate in the event that the President does not continue for any reason.”

Chanda added: “There is a certainty of tenure that one government, that one party that has been given the mandate will fulfil and see off the mandate for five years.”

A consortium of opposition political parties in concert with the UPND held a press briefing where they announced that they will hold demonstrations against President Lungu’s confirmed eligibility for the 2021 elections.

The Constitutional Court ruled that although President Lungu had contested elections twice including a by-election after President Michael Sata died, he was still eligible to contest in 2021 as his first election did not cover a more than three year period.

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