Lungu Defends Mwanakatwe's Appointment En Route To Rwanda
President Edgar Lungu has defended his appointment of Margaret Mwanakatwe as Minister of Finance stating that she is capable of overseeing the country’s economy. He continued that has confidence that Mrs. Mwanakatwe is equal to the task and will steer the country’s economy and meet the expectations of the market and the Zambian people.
ZANIS reports that the Head of State said this at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for a two day state visit to Rwanda.President Lungu said it is unfortunate that people have gone to the extent of causing turbulences in the market in order to show that Mrs. Mwanakatwe is not the right person for the portfolio of Minister of Finance.
President Lungu said people criticized his own election and cast doubt about his capacity to government the country, not everyone agrees with his decisions and choice of ministers, people will have to accept and respect his judgement.
The President urged Mrs. Mwanakatwe to ignore her detractors and work hard to shake off the turbulences in the market and stabilize the economy.
“When you reshuffle cabinet the way I did, there is bound to be turbulences, politically, economically. I feel sorry for her because people are saying so many poor things about her. I can only encourage her to work hard, she is equal to the task, I have no doubt,” said President Lungu.
Recently President Lungu made some reshuffles at Cabinet level that saw among others Margaret Mwanakatwe become Zambia’s second female Finance Minister replacing Felix Mutati who was transferred to Ministry of Works and Supply.
The Head of State said he expects his ministers and Members of Parliament to be on their toes and ensure that they serve Zambians by taking development to the people.
The President said he remains convinced that the task force of cabinet he has appointed to oversee completion of infrastructure will deliver following the recent reshuffles and inspection of infrastructure development projects.
“If I wasn’t confident, I wouldn’t have appointed them,” said President Lungu.
And President Lungu said his visit to Rwanda is cardinal in strengthening bilateral relations and has demonstrated unwavering friendship and brotherhood.
President Lungu said there is need for Zambia to share and return gestures of goodwill from the region.
He said Rwandese President Paul Kagame has visited Zambia on several occasions and it is only fair that he reciprocates by visiting him and explore ways of cementing relations for the social and economic benefit of Zambians.
The President said it will be folly for Zambia to ignore countries that desire to improve relations and trade with her.
“I have an obligation to reciprocate to friends in the region who have goodwill for Zambia, President Kagame was here when we lost our President, he was here for my inauguration, so it’s only fair that I reciprocate , ” said President Lungu.
President Lungu was seen off by Vice President Inonge Wina, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila, Defence Chiefs, and some Cabinet Ministers, senior government and PF party officials and members.
President Lungu is expected back home tomorrow Thursday February 22, 2018.