Despite Public Outcry Nkanda Confirms CBU and UNZA Will Remain Shut
Minister of Higher Education, Nkandu Luo says the University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Copperbelt University (CBU) will remain closed until the institutions meet the public health requirements.
Prof. Luo said the continued closure of the institutions is in the best interest of the general public because the two universities host a large population which would have put the students at risk had they opened when cholera broke out in the country.
The minister said this in a ministerial statement delivered in Parliament yesterday.
Prof. Luo stated that the hygiene standards at the Public institutions have gone down.
She said the inspections at the learning institutions which are being conducted as a result of the epidemic would continue and will be undertaken every fortnight.
Prof. Luo added that the inspections will ensure that high standards of hygiene are maintained at the two highest institutions of learning.
She however said her ministry realizes the important role the institutions play in the economic dispensation of the country.
Prof. Luo added that her ministry is working closely with the Ministry of Health, Local government and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) to ensure that sanitation levels at the institutions are worked on.
She said the move is meant to protect the health of the students, staff and general public.