ZNFU Advises Farmers To 'Exercise Caution' In Light Of Poor Prices

The Zambia National Farmers’ Union has advised farmers that with poor prices that they experienced last year, they should exercise caution and be mindful of people that are giving them offers for their Soya Beans and maize at below full cost recovery prices.

ZNFU Spokesman Calvin Kaleyi said the ZNFU is aware of some buyers that are offering farmers prices for Soya Beans for as low as K2 per Kilogram and K40 for a 50kg bag of maize.

“We call upon farmers not to be desperate to accept such poor price offers, but instead should start bulking their grain so that they can negotiate good prices for their commodities,” Mr Kaleyi said.

“We are aware that the market is liberalised, but farmers this year should not accept any prices below K3 per kg, but instead should negotiate K3 per kg and above. The ZNFU wishes to inform farmers that it is currently in talks with some renowned buyers and those interested to use the Union’s channels should contact the Union for more information on Market linkages.”

He added, “Already, we have managed to organise markets for Eastern Province and the buyers will soon move to Central and Southern Provinces.”

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