Police Charge Siwale with Defamation of the President

New Labour Party President Fresher Siwale was charged with defamation of the president on Friday. 

The charges were made three days after his arrest and detention in connection with allegations the politician had made regarding President Lungu's nationality. They were made public following calls from the Human Rights Commission for Siwale to be released or charged after spending three nights in cells. Police have a limited period in which to charges detainees before it becomes unlawful detention.

Having been warned and cautioned, Siwale was then formally arrested in the presence of his lawyer Mulenga Mutamfwa of Keith Mweemba and Associates. 

Reports that Siwale collapsed during his stay in the cells at Lilayi Police Training College after he was kept without food have been circulating but are unconfirmed.

It is also not clear whether Siwale was able to produce the original NRC for a Lungu Edgar Chagwa that he claims to have a copy of. 

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