President Lungu’s Sister comes out in defense of his Zambian Nationality
President Lungu’s elder sister, Bertha Lungu, has broken her silence to defend her brother and family by condemning those alleging that he stole someone’s identity, saying the matter had gone too far and as a family, they have had enough.
She explained that the family had been patient and tolerant hoping that those making falsehoods about the President and his family would get tired, but were shocked that other people were joining the bandwagon of lies.
Ms Lungu wondered why none of the people questioning the President’s identity had bothered to question her or any of the other relatives dotted around Lusaka, Copperbelt or in Petauke.
“The young sister to our mother is in Mtendere and anyone, even Mr Mulongoti, can go there and ask her. Our other aunt, the young sister to our father, is in Mukwama Village, Chief Kalindawalo in Petauke. And it is easy to find all these people. So why create lies instead of asking us” she wondered.
She also wondered why people wanted to see the President at funerals, “balefwaya tufwe so that bashininkishe ati epotwaba? (they want us to die so that they prove we exist?”
“We were seven and only three of us are alive. Me, Chagwa and Ackim. So they want us to die to prove that Chagwa is Zambian?”
Ms Lungu, who produced her NRC on request by the Daily Nation, explained that their family originates from Petauke where her eldest sister, Beauty, now late, was born. Of the seven children, Bertha was born in Lusaka and her younger brother, Chagwa in Ndola.
She says because of segregation and fear of hospitals in the old days, most women gave birth at home and had children registered at clinics later. She says no one should claim there was a hospital that time because that would be a lie.
Other family members listed included two other younger brothers and sisters. Four of them have since died including their parents, their father in 1992 and the mother in October 2003.
She said all the people clamouring to take over from her brother should wait upon the Lord and when their time came, it would happen or it may turn out that someone not even connected to any of them, may actually take over as President.
She said this was what happened when her brother became President because no one expected that to happen when President Sata died.
Ms Lungu Chama charged that it was disappointing that Mr Mulongoti who supported President Lungu during the 2015 Presidential elections could turn around and claim that President Lungu is a foreigner who stole someone’s identity just because he was not offered a job.
Ms Lungu also explained that contrary to what most people claim, her brother took care of his family long before he became President.
He made sure he built a house for his late mother Elizabeth Jere and a family house which Bertha and her family are still occupying in Lusaka’s Jack Compound before he became Republican President.
Ms Lungu said contrary to allegations that President Lungu has built mansions for his family and accumulated wealth after becoming President, the family chose to live simply. “Ilya ni contract and contract ilapwa so why should we change our lifestyle,” she said.
She said her parents were humble and she would also remain humble and respect the people of Zambia because she’s a law abiding citizen. “President Lungu built a ten bed roomed house for our late mother Eliza Jere before he became President and a six bedroomed house for rent where I am currently staying and my sister in law, Joyce Musamba, she’s the one occupying mum’s house and part of the house is on rent,” said Ms Chama.
Source: Lusaka Times