Market Modernisation Plan Raises Eyebrows in Chiwempala

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Chiwempala traders have been engulfed with another rumour of the sale of the public market in Chingola, but the PF government are refuting the allegation. 

Provincial Local Government Officer Maclleod Nyirenda has announced that Chiwempala Maket has been put on the list of markets to be modernised in the province which has raised suspicion among the traders in the area.

The initiative to modernise the market would be for the benefit of the traders, said Nyirenda. He warned against giving false information whenever government comes up with a good initiative. 

“Let’s support this good initiative and give government the benefit of doubt so that once the project fails, you will be able to say you lied to us,” he added.

Cliff Njovu, the Provincial Senior Engineer from the Department of Housing and Infrastructure Development disclosed that government has signed a contract with Sino Hydro Mine to modernise Chiwempala market.  He stated that traders inputs on the design of the market will be taken into consideration. 

And Chingola Municipal Council Town Clerk Kabombo Mutakela has pleaded with traders not to politicise the development but work with the council. The innate suspicion of the market traders highlights the distrust of any government plan to ‘modernise’. It is right to scrutinise government plans to ensure that it is for the benefit of the Zambian people. 

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