Zambia Police deploy officers to patrol all highway routes follow threats

The Zambia Police have deployed officers to patrol all highway routes across the country following reports that the striking truck drivers intend to harm fellow truckers who would continue operating on Zambian roads.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said officers have already cleared all trucks which were parked along the road on highways hence there is free flow of traffic on all routes. She assured the traveling public of their safety and urged all those who may still feel insecure to approach officers at any nearest Police Station for escort.

Mrs Katongo has warned in a statement that the drivers involved in organizing the strike that Police shall not take lightly any conduct that has potential to bring about break down in law and order.

Audio recordings were yesterday trending on social media stating that all trucks whether local or foreign should not be on Zambian Roads today and further threatening that all those found on the roads should have themselves to blame if anything happened to them as truck drivers were planning to go on strike.

Mrs Katongo said Police find such recordings highly unreasonable with potential to incite violence. She said an inquiry has been instituted to find the author or authors of the said audios and punitive action will be taken against them. Mrs Katongo said the police have been put on full alert to deal with any eventuality that may arise.

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