Foote urges Zambia to reconsider its outdated laws on homosexuality

America Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote has stepped foot on gayism urging the government to consider its outdated stance on homosexuals.

Ambassador Foote yesterday said he was horrified to read about the sentencing of two men, who had a consensual relationship, which hurt absolutely no one, to 15 years imprisonment for “crimes against the order of nature.

“I understand that Zambia is a Christian nation. I also understand that the Republic’s Constitution was written to protect all citizens. To paraphrase the Bible: ‘He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.’ I was personally horrified to read yesterday about the sentencing of two men, who had a consensual relationship, which hurt absolutely no one, to 15 YEARS imprisonment for “crimes against the order of nature,” he said in a posting. “Meanwhile, government officials can steal millions of public dollars without prosecution, political cadres can beat innocent citizens for expressing their opinions with no consequences, or poachers/traffickers can kill numerous elephants, barbarically chainsaw and sell their tusks, and face a maximum of only five years imprisonment in Zambia.”

Ambassador Foote said decisions like the oppressive sentencing do untold damage to Zambia’s international reputation by demonstrating that human rights in Zambia was not a universal guarantee. 

“They perpetuate persecution against disenfranchised groups and minorities, such as people from other tribes or political affiliations, albinos, the disabled, our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) brothers and sisters, and anyone who is deemed “different”,” Ambassador Foote noted.

He said gay individuals have historically comprised over 10 per cent of the world’s population, back to the days of renowned Greek philosophers, and reportedly gay men, Plato and Aristotle. 

Foote said gay individuals continued to make exceptional contributions to society in the United States and elsewhere, as politicians, artists, ambassadors, business leaders, philanthropists, and friends. 

“Perhaps, it’s time for Zambia to consider its outdated stance and obsolete legislation on how to treat the LGBTI community, and all others considered “different”,” said Ambassador Foote.

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