Unanswered Question on the Mukula Cartel

Earlier this month the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) released a report on the ‘Mukula Cartel’. The damning report looks at how several government bodies and high-ranking individuals have allegedly been exploiting the rare Mukula tree to secure an estimated US$7.5 million in bribes and informal fees annually. It also contains accusations that President Lungu granted Mukula permits to chiefs in exchange for votes in the 2016 elections, as well as to a Chinese trader who made a US$40,000 donation to his campaign.


The report contains allegations that those involved in the illegal trade of Mukula also include the daughter of President Lungu, Tasila Lungu, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Jean Kapata, and the Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda.


PF Media Director Sunday Chanda has dismissed the report as treasonous, stating that the “report is not worthy of any action from the PF administration". President Lungu labelled it fake news.  However, the matter is far from over for several reasons.


Firstly, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) appears to be a credible source, with a long history of working on global environmental issues. Its work is internationally recognised. It does not seem a likely source of ‘fake news’. 


Secondly, few have been surprised by the fact that the illegal exportation of Mukula timber has allegedly been taking place. According to the Zambian Association of Timber and Forestry Based Industry 5,000 Mukula loaded containers have been exported to China despite the export ban. Government has itself confiscated Mukula timber from illegal loggers in the recent past, suggesting it must have its own information about the persons involved.


Thirdly, if the President has nothing to hide then a domestic investigation into the matter should only confirm this, while identifying the real perpetrators. There must be a money trail somewhere that reveals who benefits.


The leadership in a democratic nation should never consider themselves beyond criticism or the reach of the law. If President Lungu and his Cabinet are clean in this matter the responsible response would be to acknowledge the report and launch an investigation. After all, with the economy in its current state and concerns as to how Government will fund the 2020 budget the extra revenues are sorely needed.

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