Repent, Forgive, Share And Promote Peace – Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says the message of Christmas is a message of love and salvation.

And President Lungu has called on the clergy of every faith to be agents of unity rather than instigators of hatred in the church and in the political arena.

“I greet you all on this special day, the eve of Christmas. I join other Christians across the breadth and length of our nation, and indeed Christians across the globe to commemorate Christmas Day. Tomorrow, 25th December 2019, marks Christmas Day on which we Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is very significant in the life of every christian,” he said in his Christmas message to Zambians.

President Lungu said most importantly, as a Christian nation, Zambia had a responsibility to mark this day in line with the message of Christmas.

“What is the message of Christmas? John chapter 3 verse 16-17 says, and i quote: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.’ ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved’,” he said.

“The message of Christmas is a message of love and salvation. in his infinite mercy, God Almighty saw it fit to express His love to us by sending us His only Son. Therefore, as, Christians, we have a divine duty to reciprocate this love to God by loving our neighbours.”

President Lungu also quoted Isaiah 9:6 which says: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And his name will be called wonderful, counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.”

He said with this scripture in mind, there was need for Zambia as a Christian nation to promote peace among everyone in the communities where people live.

President Lungu said the message of Christmas was very clear.

He said it was a message of love, sharing, salvation and peace.

President Lungu said it was also a message of self-introspection, to take self-examination to see whether people’s conduct during the year reflect Christian values which represent the love of God and his Son Jesus Christ.

“As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember its original meaning. I, implore you all to be subject to the government of the prince of peace, who is Jesus Christ by honouring this day through worshiping and thanksgiving regardless of our difficult situations. Repent, forgive, share, give the less privileged in our society, and promote peace,” he said

He said during this time, others indulge in activities which cause a breach of the peace in society, and this was not only demeaning to their own lives, but also to society.

President Lungu said such acts include excessive drinking, drinking while driving and scuffles.

“Let us give love to our families and avoid domestic violence, especially after intoxication. if you drink, drink responsibly. It is during Christmas that our country records increased road traffic accidents. I urge motorists to respect other motorists, and pedestrians, and to abide by the given traffic rules,” he said.

“Let us desist from practices that will not only endanger our own lives, but the lives of others. let us all embrace love; sharing and giving; and living in harmony with our fellow brothers and sisters.”

He called upon the clergy of every faith to be agents of unity rather than instigators of hatred in the church and in the political arena.

President Lungu said citizens of different political beliefs run to the church for counsel because they believe leaders of the church were above partisan politics.
“Yet today some senior members of the clergy were seen to be open to the whims of party politics,” he noted.

“Let us pray for our church leaders to lead the way in uniting our beloved country. May God Almighty bless this great nation, Zambia. May God Almighty bless us all. Merry Christmas to you all.”

Source: The Mast

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