TI-Z Elects New Chapter President, First Female VP
Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has announced the election of its new Chapter President Mr. Sampa Joseph Kalungu.
Kalungu will replace Rueben Lifuka, who has served the maximum three terms allowed under the TI-Z constitution. Lifuka will continue in his role as Vice Chair of the Transparency International Global Board of Directors.
Kalungu’s appointment was officially announced following his election at TI-Z’s 17th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th November 2020.
TI-Z describes Kalunga as a human rights and social justice activist. Commenting on his appointment the group’s Executive Director Maurice K. Nyambe stated, “Mr. Kalungu brings with him a wealth of experience in organizational development, leadership, planning, monitoring and evaluation, and a wide range of human centred approaches and models that allow people to fully engage within themselves and others in seeking solutions to organisational and environmental challenges.”
Kalungu has previously worked for or with such organisations as the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Justice and Peace Commission, African Union Commission, Food and Agricultural Organisation, and UNICEF. In addition, he is the Chairperson of the Zambia Health Educational and Communication Trust (ZHECT) Board and has
previously served as Vice Chairperson for the Zambia Extractive Initiative Transparency Initiative, and as Chapter Vice President for TI-Z.”
He holds academic qualifications in Development Studies and Political Science.
Dr. Annie Kangwa Chewe was also elected as the first ever female Chapter Vice President of TI-Z during the same AGM. The rest of the elected Board comprises Mr. Stein Liyanda as Treasurer, and Mrs. GraceMtonga, Mr. Chivunda Kaumba, Mrs. Delina Munkoyo, and Mr. Moono Chikumbi, all as Committee members.
“We are confident that the new Board, which will serve for the next three years, will continue to provide sound leadership to the fight against corruption and promotion of good governance in Zambia,” Nyambe commented.
“We further wish to pay special tribute to the outgoing Chapter President Mr. Lifuka and his team for their immense contribution to TI-Z’s work over the last twenty years of the Chapter’s existence in Zambia,” he continued.
“Lastly, we wish to assure the public that TI-Z’s resolve to fight corruption and advocate for good governance at all levels of society has never been greater, and under the new leadership, we will continue to play that role with renewed vigor,” Nyambe concluded.