Minister Threatens Whipping For Those Ignoring Restrictions

The Minister for Lusaka Province, Bowman Lusambo, has issued a warning for those flouting recently introduced measures designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19.

Speaking on Tuesdays ‘Let the People Talk’ on Phoenix FM the PF Minister said that those who are ignoring the new regulations will be dealt with using Plan B which is whipping these people.

“ It appears that they are acting like two-year-old babies who can only be controlled using whips. The same way we handle our babies in our homes, we give them strokes when they become indiscipline,” the Minister stated.

His comments come as the number of confirmed cases in the country stands at 36, with government having instituted a series of measures designed to tackle the outbreak. As of midnight on Thursday last week all bars, nightclubs, gyms and other non-essential businesses were closed, with restaurants now only serving take out. Public gatherings including conferences, weddings and funerals have been restricted to no more than 50 people and all non-essential foreign travel is to be suspended. Meanwhile, domestic flights will be redirected to Kenneth Kaunda International Airport for screening.

However Lusambo has noted that some people are disobeying regulations by continuing to go out and visit bars. The Minister argued that government efforts to communicate the new regulations had been sufficient, and as such ignorance of the measures was not a good excuse. He also claimed that some of the people that were apprehended at the weekend in Chelstone confessed that they were aware of the pandemic.

“We are dealing with adults and we can’t say we have failed to communicate as government, we will continue sensitizing the people but we will activate Plan B which is whipping these people,” the Minister warned listeners.

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