ECZ Has No Right To Postpone 2021 Elections

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has said it has no legal mandate to postpone General Elections scheduled for 2021, asserting that the date of the election is protected by the constitution. 

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News, Public Relations Manager Margaret Chimanse clarified that changes to the ECZ’s Elections Events Calendar as a result of the coronavirus did not mean it would be postponing the 2021 General Election. 

She added that the ECZ was yet to confirm the new dates for voter registration in advance of next year’s elections. 

The announcement follows news earlier this month that the ECZ would be reviewing its ‘roadmap for elections’ and would soon advise stakeholders and the general public on the dates for electoral processes and voter registration, which was  previously scheduled to take place in May. 

Plans are still in place for local government by-elections to go ahead, despite concerns over the spread of Covid-19. Elections are scheduled to take place in Nakato and Imalyo Wards of Mongu Town Council in Western Province and Bulilo Ward of Chilubi Town Council in Northern Province. 

Ms Chimanse said in the interview that the ECZ would be taking steps to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 at these elections, including the provision of sanitary materials such as gloves and masks, as well as instructing polling staff to ensure a speedy voting process. 

The ECZ is urging voters participating in these by-elections to leave their children and babies at home, in order to reduce the number of people attending polling stations and meeting venues.

Political parties are also discouraged for holding rallies and have instead been advised to use alternative campaign strategies such as public address systems and distributing flyers. 

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