DRC Accuses Zambia Of Annexing Territory

The Democratic Republic of Congo has accused the Zambian government of attempting to annex part of its territory along the two countries’ shared border.

DRC Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Gilbert Kankonde has said relations between Zambia and the DRC are deteriorating, with Zambians showing signs of wanting to annex DRC territory near Mpweto. 

The deputy prime minister issued the accusations at a meeting of the DRC’s Council of Ministers, chaired by President Félix Tshisekedi on Friday. 

During the meeting, DRC National Deputy Jean Manda confirmed the presence of Zambian forces in Mulilo in Moba territory after visiting the region. 

Reports indicate that Zambian forces have occupied several villages along Lake Tanganyika in the Moba territory.

The Congolese military is said to be garrisoned in Moba Centre, awaiting orders. 

It follows escalating tensions between Zambia and the DRC last week, when skirmishes broke out between groups of armed forces at the border.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) said the border clash had forced yet more people to flee their homes, particularly in the DRC’s Moba territory. 

The incident marked the first instance of cross-border tension between Zambia and the DRC since a meeting between the two countries in October of last year. 

The two nations have had a long history of border tensions, with similar flare-ups occurring in 1996, 2006 and 2016. 

DRC Deputy Prime Minister Gilbert Kankonde

DRC Deputy Prime Minister Gilbert Kankonde

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