President Lungu Explains Delays in Constructing Mini-Hospitals
President Edgar Lungu says works to construct the 108 mini-hospitals in some selected districts, have delayed because the two contractors building the facilities are still working in other parts of the country.
President Lungu says government has had to wait for the same contractors to work on all the mini- hospitals because they are the best so far.
The President says areas that have been promised the mini hospitals should exercise patience as the contractors will soon move to their areas.
President Lungu said this when he inspected Senga Hill District Hospital in Northern Province.
The President disclosed that Senga Hill will soon have two mini hospitals once the contractor is done with works in Kasama.
President Lungu also instructed that the two hospitals to be built should include houses for medical personnel.
He said this will help to motivate health workers.
And Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya assured President Lungu that the contractor will move on site in Senga Hill in the next two months.
Dr Chilufya said his ministry will also increase capacity of Senga Hill District hospital to enable it handle serious cases.
He also said the two new mini-hospitals will come with modern equipment.
Dr Chilufya further disclosed that works on the mini hospitals in most parts of the country have been completed.
This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times