“Remain Resolute”, TI-Z Counsels ACC

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has released a statement in response to the acquittal of Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya on four charges of corruption levelled at him by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

“Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has noted the decision of the Lusaka Magistrate Court to acquit Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya on all four charges that were slapped on him. We wish to state that the acquittal has not come as a surprise to us given the different developments including the unexpected testimony that was presented by the Investigation Officer from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), as well as the recent nuanced remarks made by President Lungu on the general conduct of the fight against corruption,” TI-Z Executive Director Maurice K. Nyambe stated. 

“Nonetheless, the decision of the Court, reinforces the essence of the rule of law, where all those who are accused of any wrongdoing are given the opportunity to be heard in a fair and open trial,” he continued.

In June the ACC arrested Dr Chilufya following investigations into allegations that he was in possession of property reasonably suspected to be the proceeds of crime.

Dr Chilufya was charged with offences contrary to section 71 (1) of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No.19 of 2010 and released on bond.

As the matter came up before the courts on Tuesday ACC Secretary Clifford Monga told the Chief Resident Magistrate that no further evidence would be offered. Magistrate Lameck Mwale then moved to acquit Dr Chilufya.

TI-Z has, however, expressed its concerns relating to the process and the “apparent lack of preparedness by the ACC to prosecute this case.” 

“We want to underscore the fact that such actions tend to erode public confidence in an important institution such as the ACC. It is nevertheless our fervent hope that in future, the Commission will meticulously prepare for any case that they prosecute in order to avoid such incidents. We therefore implore the ACC to introspect and learn the lessons that this case has provided,” Nyambe stated.

“On the same score, we would like to encourage the Commission not to be demotivated by this apparent setback, but to remain resolute in executing their legal mandate of fighting corruption regardless of who is involved in the scourge. There is still a lot of work to be done out there and the ACC cannot afford to wallow in self-pity and therefore allow the corrupt to have a field day. This work is not easy but it has to be done and the ACC should continue to serve the nation without fear or favour,” he concluded.

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