HoneyBee Whistleblower Calls For Pharmacists Who Supported Deal To Lose Licenses

Pharmacist Jerome Kanyika, the whistleblower in the $17 million Ministry of Health and honeybee pharmacy corruption scandal is calling for the sacking and revocation of licenses for all pharmacists that supported the deal.

Mr Kanyika who at the time of the scandal served as Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia President contends that the deadly unethical behavior portrayed by the pharmacists who supported former minister of health Chitalu Chilufya to subject people to substandard, drugs, condoms and gloves should not go unpunished.

Meanwhile, Mr Kanyika is calling on the Zambia Medicines and Regulatory Authority –ZAMRA- to suspend the license for honeybee pharmacy and for the new minister of health Jonas Chanda to constitute a directorate for pharmaceutical services at the ministry.

He added that the sacking of dr Chitalu Chilufya is good and should have been done two years ago.

Meanwhile, Mr Kanyika says the latest action by ZAMRA to recall the health kits more than three months after distribution is a mockery to Zambians.

In a related development, upnd presidential spokesperson, Anthony Bwalya says Zambians must not be hoodwinked by president Lungu’s decision to fire Dr. Chilufya, as it does nothing to remedy the tragedy unprecedented government sponsored criminal activities against Zambians.

Mr. Bwalya claims that while Dr. Chilufya has been relieved of his duties, the principal beneficiaries of the criminal activities at the ministry of health are the patriotic front hence the delay by the head of state to relieve him of his duties as minister of health, following a string of unending corruption incidences at the ministry, the latest being the $17million honeybee grand theft syndicate.

This article originally appeared on Zambia Watchdog

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