Four Former Ministers Have Still Not Paid Salaries Back

Four formers ministers have still not paid back the salaries and expenses which they illegally collected while parliament was in recess before the 2016 general election, the Ministry of Finance has revealed.

Accountant General Kennedy Musonda announced today that the Ministry of Finance had submitted details of the repayments to the Attorney General and that “59 out of 63 former Cabinet, Provincial, and Deputy Ministers have been covered by the repayments”.

In a statement to the press Mr Musonda also revealed that some individuals who had stayed in office had been paid by both the Patriotic Front (PF) party and themselves, leading to double salaries which would also have to be repaid.

Taking both these factors into account, Mr Musonda said the total outstanding amount owed by the four individuals to the treasury is K230,06.36. 

Earlier this week it transpired that some ministers had had their debts paid by anonymous donations from companies and individuals. The Alliance for Community Action (ACA) has called on the PF to reveal which members of the party settled their debts - believed to be worth some K2.6 million - through private donations. 

“Lack of disclosure on the part of the above-mentioned public officers will do little to allay concerns of money laundering and false declarations. At the very least, the full disclosure of the minister’s benefactors must be made to the honourable court which made the ruling on behalf of the People,” the ACA said. 

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