Budget Will Decentralise Funds Into Communities - HH

President Hakainde Hichilema has indicated that his government’s upcoming budget will decentralise funding at a community level and employ local chiefs to help implement grassroots projects.

The president said his government was looking at ways to fight corruption by channeling resources directly into projects to ensure they are not mismanaged by authorities. It would also seek to bring on board traditional leaders, who better understand the needs of people in their communities.

President Hichilema made the announcement yesterday, while paying a courtesy call on Chief Nyamphande of the Nsenga-speaking people of Lusangazi District. He said that despite inheriting an empty treasury from his predecessors, the UPND government was working hard to address the needs of Zambians in agriculture, water, sanitation, roads and education. 

He added that the previous administration had not bought enough fertiliser to supply farmers for the upcoming season and that his government had sourced funds to meet this shortfall. He admitted that it was difficult for the government to begin its programme of reform while still working from the old Patriotic Front budget and that the new 2022 Budget would go a long way to addressing the needs of Zambians at a local level.

In response, Chief Nyamphande thanked President Hichilema for his decision to release funding to Chiefdoms, which he said would allow for more projects to be carried out beyond the usual digging of boreholes. 

“It’s a good thing that you have though of decentralisation of funds and this will assist in attending to most projects that have lagged behind in our community and I’m ready to provide land for developmental projects,” he said. 

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